"Winter is the Trufff"

As we unravel from winter, Anita discusses why she feels "Winter is the Trufff." How can we honor ourselves in the season of winter?


It's snowing outside and I'm feeling some kind of way right now.  I am feeling some kind of way. There's a whole little mini snowstorm going on outside. Now. Mind you,  it is still winter. It is still,  technically. It is still in March. It is not March 20th yet, which will be the official first day of spring.

And even with that does not mean that there will not be snow and below 32 degree weather outside, but I am feeling some kind of way. And the reason why I'm feeling some kind of way is because this past weekend it was 70 degrees outside and it was beautiful and the sun was out. And the breeze was out and it was just absolutely gorgeous.

And now literally three days later, it's two inches of snow on the ground two,  a good two,  a good solid two. And it's coming down, you all, it's coming down and I'm just sitting here wondering, come on here, winter. I know you're still wintering. (giggle)I know you're still wintering, but I need spring to come on here and just get sprung.

It's like spring came through this weekend and just showed her ankle and was like, Hey, babe it was just like a tease, you know, like, Hey baby, you see, oh, I got my white toenail polish (laughter) like she was teasing us. She showed us her ankle. You know 'I mean? And you know, ayyy, then she just went off into the sunset.

And I'm like spring, come back, come back. spring. Don't leave us like this, but spring has clearly left. The whole building spring is gone and I'm just hoping she comes back soon, soon, real soon, because winter has sprung its ugly head, right? Winter is here. Full blast. Whole snow, a good, I would say about an inch and a half on the ground.

Snow trucks is doing her thing, but it's real shady out here right now because it was absolutely beautiful this weekend. It was like 70 degrees, sun out gorgeous. I mean, spring had her whole ankle out  about the, let us have it.

(Laughter) But here we are it feels like a snowstorm and I,  get it. I understand why people feel some kind of way about winter. You know, I, I, I don't know anyone who likes winter and I'm talking about. People who live in winter when winter shows itself as  snow storms and weather that's below 45 or below 32 degrees or winter, that shows itself as, you know, sleet or snow or

The quote, unquote, wintry mix. Still trying to figure that out. Like what is once remix? I don't like it. I don't like the wintry mix or whenever a winter shows itself as freezing rain. I don't like it. I don't know any adults who like winter. I survey your friends. Yall, survey them. Ask them, Hey, what's your favorite season?

If you have a friend that says winter, I would love to talk to them. Like I would love to have a conversation and ask them why they like winter. I know very few people who enjoy the season of winter and. I get it, understand it, you know, winter is not a vibe. It really is not. And it's because of this mess we dealing with right here right now, you know,  we get tickled with spring then all of a sudden,  a couple of days later we get these inches of snow,let's really talk about winter.

winter is, winter's an interesting, interesting season is the season that a lot of people really actually get anxious about emotionally.  they even get sad about even thinking about going into the season of winter. There's even a clinical diagnosis called SAD.  which is seasonal affective disorder. Like that's a real thing when people actually deal with sadness during a winter months, like winter is not what's up for a lot of people. And I've really been thinking about that this winter season. I really have. You know where I live rightnow, my home is up against,  a wooded area and it's absolutely beautiful.

I have a beautiful bubbling Brook behind,  where I live The birds here and the deer that are here and the foxes that we see from time to time and just the connection that we get from.

Just being, living in, in the wooded areas. Absolutely beautiful. It really is a circle of life. And getting to know the vegetation that grows in your space, it absolutely is, is a beautifulspace so that I'm living in and I'm so thankful. I have so much gratitude for it, but this is the first year that I've really, really felt a sincere gratitude for the season of winter.

And it was the first time that. I really looked at the trees and I noticed sounds really spooky and like, oh, but I looked at the trees and I saw the stems and I saw the bark and I was able to really look deep, deep, deep into the woods.

I was able to look deep, deep into the woods or the forest, because it was so bare. There were no leaves. There were no flowers. There were no bushing, you know, Birds around. It was just the bareness of winter were able to kind of just look deep and see, I could actually see the bubbling Brook from my home.

I can't really see it during spring or summer because it's over shrouded. It's over run  by the beauty of the leaves and flowers. But in winter, I can see it. I can see it. It's it's bare. It shows itself, then it all made sense to me. I'm like, I get it. I understand why we don't like winter Winter's the truth.

Y'all winter's showing it all. Winters pulling the shirts off the draws off showing you the scars. The cuts, the bruises. And we don't like to sit in our stuff. A lot of times in winter, we're not distracted by the beautiful flowers, the pinks and the blues and reds, and the beautiful sunflowers that raise up to the sun.

We're not distracted by those things. We're not distracted by a bee that may come along and we're too busy trying to get it out of our viewpoints. We're not stung, we're not distracted by,  a beautiful leaf that may come by our path or distracted by the beautiful things.  spring may spring up in our lives.

Spring is a beautiful distraction, right? Spring brings forth these new life and winter says, nah, baby Nana, we got some old stuff that's hidden under these fallen leaves that we have to deal with before we can really spring forth. And it just all made sense when I was just one day just looking at the wooded area behind my.

House so I'm like, I can see so deep, so deeply in these woods, and sometimes it's really difficult for us to look deep for us to see our bare places that aren't covered with.  the lies that we may tell ourselves that are covered with,  shame some guilt. Things that we may, feel we have to create two deal with these truths that are laying under the debris of these old leaves that may have fallen even in fall winter saying no, no, no.

Look at me. And we're saying no, no. I just want spring to come and be a distraction.

Winter is the truth. Winter is the truth. A lot of times what I see often time in my life. Sometimes it's hard for us to reckon with our own truths.

Don't be afraid to reckon with your own truth, because it's always reckoning with you. You're gonna have to decide how you're going to reckon with your truth, because it's always reckoning within you. You can reckon within you with through disease disease. It can reckon with you through depression, oppression, anxiety.

And I'm not saying there isn't such thing as actual clinical disease, you know, depression and anxiety. That's a real thing too,

but  let's sit. And our truths this as we unravel from this winter season, let's honor winter. Let's sit in. And see what it reveals for us. Let's honor it because winter is a truth y'all and we can't keep  leaving winter  going into spring, the same old stuff, the same old leaves, same old stuff that we haven't dealt with winter at the winter at the one.

When winter is saying, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, look at me. Look at me. Let's deal with this. Let's deal with this. This is the time to deal with this. And we're trying to bring forth new life, but we, ain't not really because we're still not dealing with this thing that needs to be dealt with this old thing that really isn't dead just yet and wants to be..

For anything new to come forward. There has to, I said, die first, look, the seasons and all world around us is always teaching us how to live our lives. And that's why I love the seasons so much because there's such beautiful lessons on how we can live our lives. So when I look at winter, I see winter has an opportunity.

To resurrect ourselves a new when spring comes, but to be able to resurrect ourselves a new, we got to deal with what's needs to be buried. Sometimes our ego, oftentimes our egos need to be buried, whatever fears, fear, benchmarks, whatever traumas, whatever lies that we're telling ourselves. Y'all we got to deal with that.

They need to be buried.

Let's go into spring, brand new, right. Let's make a promise. As we begin to unravel from this winter season to not be afraid  to sit in these winter months. Now, some of us may haveto sit with a therapist as we unravel with some of this stuff and being that we are coming towards the end of the winter, it may take us longer than just, you know, a couple of days or a week to unravel some of the things that are intertwined.

some of the things that we may have to let go, or some of the things that may have to die off and that's all right. Be gracious with yourself. We got to start somewhere. But I just want to have you look at winter differently. We'll get winter as an opportunity to look at our stuff for real, for real, without the distractions of the things that spring will bring.

And that's a metaphor for so many things.

We have, what it takes to heal did not mitigate your power to anything or anyone. When it comes to your healing,  You have to be an advocate for your healing and you have to feel toheal. And winter is a great time to feel. Don't be afraid to feel. Don't be afraid to hear.

So excited. We did it again. Y'all so excited that you listened so excited that you're here. And when I mean here, I mean, here, here.  Thank you so much for listening. Y'all take good, good care.

"Winter is the Trufff"
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